Youthtown Afterschool Programme Term 4 - Ages 5-12


Youthtown Afterschool Programme Term 4 - Ages 5-12
December 14, 2023


Dec 14, 2023

Come along to our Youthtown Afterschool Programme where we form a fun environment for creative learning. Mondays - Drama and Theatre Sports | Wednesdays - 3D Creative Fun | Thursdays - 2D Creative Fun | 3:30pm - 5pm

Drama and Theatre Sports - Mondays

Every Monday (Launches 16 October)

Ages 5-7 3:30 - 4:15pm

Ages 8-12 4:15 - 5pm

Registrations are essential

Led by Michelle, children will be guided through an introduction to performing arts where they will explore character building and performance exercises to enhance their confidence.

$130 - Full Term

$18 - Drop in sessions available on request

To book ages 5-7 click here

To book ages 8-12 click here

3D Creative Fun - Afterschool Term 3 - Wednesdays

Every Wednesday 3:30-5pm (Launches 11 October)

Ages 5-12

Registrations are essential


Join us as we explore the Arts in 3D.

In this programme children will take inspiration from a range of artists, art styles and their own imagination as they explore form and structure.

This mixed media arts programme aims to enhance and inspire young people on their artistic journey.


Different techniques that may be explored include:

·     Ceramic sculpting

·     Pottery

·     Papermache

·     Upcycled construction

$185 for full term

Book here


2D Creative Fun - Afterschool Term 3 - Thursdays

Every Thursday 3.30-5pm (Launches 12 October)

Ages 5-12

Registrations are essential


Join us as we explore the arts in 2D.

In this programme children will take inspiration from a range of artists, art styles and their own imagination as they make images.

This mixed media arts programme aims to enhance and inspire young people on their artistic journey.


Different techniques that may be explored include:

·     Drawing

·     Painting

·     Textiles

·     Print-making

$185 for full term

Book here

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