Fundamentals of Drawing: Still Life Drawing with Kasia Hebda

Workshops + Classes

Fundamentals of Drawing: Still Life Drawing with Kasia Hebda
September 27, 2023


Sep 27, 2023
$200 for General Admission and $180 for Queenstown Art Society members

Queenstown Art Society and Kasia Hebda Studio invite you for another Term of our Still Life Drawing Course. 3 week course, every Wednesday from 13 September - 27 September, 6-7:30pm | MAHI TAHI

Throughout five engaging and immersive weeks, you'll be guided by an artist and art conservator, Kasia Hebda, well-versed in the nuances of still life composition and technique. Whether you're a beginner artist or an advanced practitioner, this course will provide a solid foundation to refine your drawing skills and take your artwork to the next level. You'll explore fundamental topics such as line, shape, proportion, light and shadow, perspective, and composition. By the end of the course, you'll possess a comprehensive understanding of these core principles, empowering you to create stunning still life compositions that captivate the viewer's imagination.

Don’t worry if you are a beginner - you are in the right place.

Whether you aspire to become a professional artist or simply wish to express yourself through the medium of art, this course will equip you with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to turn your artistic visions into reality. Spaces are limited.

You will need to bring the following materials with you:

·       2x bulldog clips.

·       Newsprint is supplied, but bring a sketchbook and whatever paper you like to draw on.

·       Charcoal or conte drawing sticks or any other material you like to draw with (limited supplies will be available if you forget)

·       Pencils 

·      Eraser (kneaded is recommended)

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