Curator Talk: Te Whare Pora

Talks + Symposia

Curator Talk: Te Whare Pora
June 8, 2024


Jun 8, 2024

Curator Dr Awhina Tamarapa talks with renowned kairaranga Roka Hurihia Ngarimu-Cameron about the importance of her weaving practice in connecting people and knowledge. Saturday 8 June, 2pm | WHAKAARI | Free

Ko Te Whare Pora He Whare Wānanga, Hei Whiria i ngā Tāngata


The House of Weaving is a House of Learning, Weaving People Together

Roka Hurihia Ngarimu-Cameron

Roka Hurihia Ngarimu-Cameron, MNZM, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui, Te Arawa, Whakatōhea, Ngāti Awa and Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Irish, is an internationally recognised tohunga in Māori Arts. She holds a Master of Fine Arts and a degree in Social Work and Community Studies. A lifetime of weaving and teaching with harakeke (flax) and other materials has seen her exhibit widely in Aotearoa, Australia, Canada, Fiji, Samoa and America.


Awhina Tamarapa

Dr Awhina Tamarapa, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Ruanui, is formerly Curator Māori at Te Papa. She is now a Postdoctoral Research Fellow based at the Stout Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington.

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