October School Holidays Dance Workshop: CONJAH (Ages 13 - 18)


October School Holidays Dance Workshop: CONJAH (Ages 13 - 18)
October 11, 2022


Oct 14, 2022

Join us as we explore movement in this four-day contemporary, street dance workshop. Led by contemporary dance artists Ooshcon and Jahra Wasasala (CONJAH), this programme will enable young people to embrace body language as their first language. No experience required. Tuesday 11 October - Friday 14 October, 11am - 3pm. $10 | KAPA TAHI

Both Jahra and Ooshcon are trained in multiple street dance styles and forms, such as Krump, Hip Hop, Popping, Robot, body control and waving. Workshop participants will learn how to craft and tell stories through the body in a process designed to build confidence and self-awareness.

Jahra Wasasala and Ooshcon, under the collaborative world-bending entity of CONJAH, are a creative force within and beyond the mediums of dance, physical theatre, poetry and visual craft. Together, CONJAH brings forth the depths of their extensive solo body work, their whakapapa and their imaginations to build into each other’s visions, enabling them to do the same with the collaborators and artists they work with. Within their developments and performances, CONJAH focus on connection, world-building, excavation: Connection; strengthening intimate connections between the collaborating artists. World-building; building characters, stories and worlds into performance spaces. Excavation; creating body states and stories that shed realities as skins to reveal our own truths.

Jahra Wasasala is Fijian and pākehā and was born and raised in West Tāmaki Makaurau. Ooshcon is Samoan and pākehā and was born and raised in Te Awa Kairangi ki Uta.

CONJAH is a 2022 Arts Foundation Springboard recipient, mentored by Lisa Reihana.

$10 ticket is for all four days of the workshop.

Image: CONJAH (Ooshcon and Jahra Wasasala). Photo: Jinki Cambronero. Courtesy of the artists.
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