Low Waste Living Workshop with Sustainable Queenstown

Workshops + Classes

Low Waste Living Workshop with Sustainable Queenstown
June 15, 2023


Jun 15, 2023

Want to learn more about how you can reduce your household waste and save money doing it?! Sustainable Queenstown is bringing you Wastebusters' brand new workshop series: Low Waste Living - Households. | Thursday 15 June 2023 | 6.30pm | WHAKAARI

The wait is over - we have scheduled our second workshop!

Wastebusters, in collaboration with Sustainable Queenstown, are excited to introduce our brand new workshop series: Low Waste Living - Households.

Join us for a fun evening of sharing practical info, tips, low-waste recipes and inspiration to help you feel motivated and empowered to live a life of less waste, save money and feel good about your impact!

We know this is a different journey for everyone so we’ll help inspire you to make manageable changes for your household and everyday life that you can stick to.

In the workshops, we’ll chat about:

- Low Waste Shopping

- Kitchen Waste & Low Waste Recipes

- Bathroom Swaps and Alternatives

- General Household Waste Reduction

We’ll cover everything from simple plastic-free swaps and alternatives, our tips for successfully refilling (affordably), plastic-free recipes through to bathroom swaps, tips to reduce your food waste as well as a zero waste deodorant recipe that actually works (we know, we didn’t believe it either!).

So come along for a fun evening of sharing, connecting and learning so that we can all work to reduce our reliance on single-use plastics and our household waste.

Tickets are $10 and include delicious low-waste snacks and nibbles for the evening. Click the Buy Tickets link below now!

This event is funded by the QLDC Zero Waste District Programme.

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